Everyone makes a mistake from time to time, especially on social media. Audiences often forgive and turn a blind eye on some minor errors. However, if you are managing a business and wish to optimise your time on your social media platforms, some issues should be avoided at all costs. Thankfully, we will provide you with the list of mistakes that you can avoid to retain your reputation and followers.
This article is part two of our list. For part one, click here.
Mistake #7: deleting or ignoring negative comments. Instead of defending yourself directly, which usually incurs more negative commentaries, thank the user who is hating on your brand. Tell them that you appreciate feedback and are always looking for ways to improve.
Mistake #8: making spelling and grammar mistakes. Readers will tend to focus more on the error that you commit rather than the overall message. Make sure to double check before your post goes live and if a mistake manages to slip through, correct it as soon as you catch it.
Mistake #9: delivering poor customer service on social media. One of the most common reasons why consumers contact brands through social media is the immediacy. Taking too long to answer, providing unhelpful information, or ignoring altogether will most likely prompt the consumer to switch to other brands.
Mistake #10: posting irresponsible or insensitive content. Social Media should always embody the brand's image and culture. Sensitivity and consideration for others are principal and should always align with the brand's personality.
Mistake #11: too many hashtags or handles. One or two is good enough; too many may appear desperate for engagement.
Mistake #12: failing to encourage two-way conversations with customers. One of the main functions of social media is to provide two-way discussions. Using the platform only to promote is a waste of potential relationships with advocates, customers, and influencers.
And there you have it. These are mistakes that are common to commit, but also very easy to avoid. Don't worry too much; you have these guidelines now, so go ahead and create your content!
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