Digital Marketing

Opinion: The Impact of Digital Revolution to the Creative Field

Many things have changed the past decade. Some artists decided to put down their pencils or brushes in favour of digital pens, blocky looking televisions have become thin, movies can now be watched even when you are stuck in heavy traffic, and information that usually could be found at the library is now accessible through phones. It is indeed an excellent time to be alive. We can now sit back and relax while different machines make our daily tasks easier.

The question is, in spite of technological advances, is the creative field advancing as well?

Today, where people are usually preoccupied with checking their social media pages, businesses found the need to promote their products there as well. That means that they are compelled to reach out to those potential customers, forcing them to create pages and sites that can be seen online. However, digital promotion is different from buying a space in a newspaper or airtime in radio. Digital campaigns have their style that should be met to be pleasing and engaging to those who will see it.

But what is the effect of these digital campaigns to the creative field?

The internet offers many platforms for us to explore ranging from company sites, online shopping, blogs, and more. That created a vast market competition and a high demand for content creators, opening numerous job offers for the creative field. In an article by MDG Advertising, 60% of creatives say that there is an increase in their time spent creating digital products than five years ago and 65% of creatives states that they are producing more content for various brands now than five years ago. Also, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, 279,200 graphic design jobs were created in 2010 and is still growing as of today.

As the digital revolution continues, will the creative field still live?

Yes! With the state of the internet as of now and with the number of people willing to create content increasing every day, we can be sure that creative pieces will still be offered for a long time. Also, since there are numerous innovations in digital platforms that can rise for the next years, there will always be a chance for creatives to formulate new techniques to cater to those changes. So have no fear! The creative landscape is not going to die anytime soon.

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