Data-Driven Marketing

Digital Marketing Has Taken Sales to a Whole New Level

In this digital age, Sales and Marketing, which used to be two different departments have become so closely tied with each other and their functions so interrelated that it's quite difficult to tell if you are dealing with the marketer or the sales rep.

As digital marketing continuously evolves and increasingly becoming more focused on the individual rather than group demographics, customers come into contact with personalised experiences and more meaningful relationships with the brands that they have chosen to patronise. This makes it even easier for marketers to understand their audiences with the kind of interaction that they get from their audience. Imagine a mom who sees that formula milk on video for the first time. The video touches on the motherly emotion and embodying how it felt when you first touched and saw your newborn and what would she have uttered out of gratefulness. All these an average female can relate too - agree, approve, like, love, empathise and feel blessed are emotion-driven actions you can now by simply clicking buttons. This makes it all easy for marketers to get information about their audience - whether she skipped the ad or finished it, liked the video or even add a comment to show her attention, and share it to show her affection for the ad. 

Data-driven marketing provides a lot of insight into consumer behaviour. Once they get their audience hooked, it will be easier to tailor new campaigns based on social responses. Selling has likewise evolved and could be defined in some ways. Goods can be purchased without physical money being involved. You don't need to be in a physical store to buy what you need. Search products, compare brands, prices and features without having to leave your location. Buy from anywhere and pay from your mobile phone.

Social Media has made it even more rewarding to do business in their platforms with the availability of marketing and business tools that provide rich content, imagery, virtual experiences through stories, interactive interface and even ways to measure audience engagement and traffic. Recently, Instagram has adopted the business profile which is similar to Facebook Pages. 

Personalised Marketing has become integrated into the sales process and so dynamic that the sales conversion and actual purchase can happen anywhere in the process. Given the right timing and sufficient data, email marketing can be a very powerful tool as a very personal means of reaching out to your audience through stories. And if you hit the right spot, you will find yourself selling the brand to the same customers over and over again. 

Recently, an online booking platform launched a tool that allows visitors and potential customers to virtually travel different destinations based on their budget, purpose, preferred conditions on certain seasons before booking for a service. It will first show you matches based on your travel configurations. Then, you are ready to explore sights to see, places to dine, shopping destinations, nature, nightlife or experience local culture - all done virtually. Next, choose flights and hotels or book both and make a payment right on the same platform. But wait, there's more to this travel booking platform, the rich visual imagery is just a front. There lies beneath an online tool; it is capable of tracking facial reactions and direction of gazes which are being used as data for calculating findings a set of personalised destination options. First, they tapped into consumers emotion, and now into the less obvious response using facial recognition. What could be next?

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